Tuesday, October 20, 2015

DIY "The Incredibles" family costumes

Okay, this photo is a little fuzzy (camera phone), and we aren't all wearing our cool masks, but this is probably the best full shot of all of us.  Gotta love family costumes.  Plus, come on, it's cute when the 3 year old is the one picking out our costume theme.

This was an easy ensemble to make.  I bought Liam's full costume and Jeff's shirt because they were easy to find and super cheap on sale (whoop whoop!).  I bought a red shirt for me and a red onesie for Jack and made the two necessary logos in felt, then hand stitched them on.

Not bad for eyeballing a logo and cutting it out in felt.  I found all the colors of felt I needed easily at Joann fabric.

Find a picture of the logo and eyeball it, cut out all your pieces, then stitch together.  It didn't take very long.

Step one: the large orange oval.

Step two: add the black over top and center.

Step three: add the yellow portion of the "I".

Step four: add the white portion of the "I".

Repeat as needed for multiple logos.  Stitch individual logo sections on in matching colored thread.

Sew the logo onto the top (onesie).

If sewing onto a women's top, keep in mind any stretch needed.  You might want to pin the logo onto the shirt while on a dress form (large pillow, etc.) to keep the correct stretch before sewing.

Grab the rest of your costume.  I used my newly logo-ed shirt, red leggings, black bike shorts, an orange spandex belt (I made this quickly with some fabric I bought), and a black mask.

Jack's hair had started going crazy by this picture (obviously), but we just had to be the Incredibles while our Jack Jack was still a baby.

This is the miracle photo, Liam actually posing!  This NEVER happens. He was just so happy to be The Incredibles, probably because he's the human embodiment of Dash.

This was a fun family costume to do, quick, easy, and cheap to make, and made it very easy to keep track of each other trick or treating (RED!).  Hopefully this can be of help to you.

Happy Halloween and costuming making!

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