Wednesday, January 21, 2015

a proud mommy moment

Okay, these pictures aren't great, but I just grabbed the closest camera (my phone) because I had to document the cuteness.  

Liam woke me up this morning by jumping on my bed and asking me to open the jar of peanut butter that he then thrust into my face.  As I groggily woke up and loosened the lid Liam rambled on about how he had already grabbed a knife, but "do not worry because I got the kind that is not pointy so it won't hurt me."  I would have liked to go back to sleep but Liam reminded me that it was now daytime so I had to get up now.  Plus he opened the curtains.

I walked out to the kitchen where Liam was climbing up to his little plastic table that he uses to reach the counter.  He had already grabbed a loaf of bread and the aforementioned butter knife, and had sliced a piece of bread in half.  He quickly spread peanut butter on his bread and started to clean everything up so he could eat his sandwich.  You've never seen a kid more excited about a peanut butter sandwich than Liam.

All I did in the entire process was loosen a lid and offer to put the bread away for him.  


When did my little baby grow up?  I have always let the kids know that as long as they follow a few simple rules (no sharp knives yet, clean up, no sitting on the counter) they can have fairly free rein in the kitchen, and I want them to be comfortable cooking, but wow. ... Time goes by fast.

And frankly, I'm just happy that he wanted a sandwich for breakfast and not a huge bowl of fishie crackers!  That's why crackers go on the top shelf.  :)

I'll be back soon with an actual recipe.  This was just cute and I just had to post.  :)

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