Monday, January 19, 2015

cinnamon vanilla protein scones

I love scones.  You can make them in pretty much any flavor you like, they have a great consistency, and although you can make them any size you want, I LOVE my cast iron scone pan.  It makes 16 scones to a batch (the perfect size for a toddler to grab, fyi).  I have a basic recipe that I love and this is a variation on it.

If you're not a robot I know you've gotta have had a morning where you just need some form of baked good.  I know I have!  Scones are great for that.  At least little ones like these.  They aren't fried like donuts, and they don't come in a huge stack like pancakes or waffles.  You really only need one scone to curb that craving.

More bonuses: they are easy to stick into a sandwich bag and take to work, and they are the perfect size for toddlers (plus they don't crumble all over the place).  Sounds good to me!

Even if you are the worst baker on the planet you cannot mess up this recipe.  It only needs a few ingredients, a wooden spoon,and a medium sized bowl.  This is the only recipe I know of that comes out better WITHOUT using a stand mixer.  It makes them too light and fluffy, and you really need a bit more density in a proper scone.

Note: this is a difficult post to write as I have to do it one handed while cradling Luna (our cat) in the other arm while she hugs me, glaring and purring like a lawnmower.  Life is weird).

These scones are good enough to eat plain,and the vanilla protein powder is tasty and filling, but if you really want a spread,may I recommend some caramel apple butter?  Imagine what Heaven tastes like and you're getting closer.  I got my batch at a farmer's market, but I'm working on my own recipe, so that post will hopefully come soon.

If you don't know what apple butter is then I am sorry.  You poor sad person.  It is like a eggless lovechild of applesauce and an apple version of lemon curd.  And this version contains caramel. *Insert my drool here*.

 Cinnamon Vanilla Protein Scones
makes 16 scones (if you make them larger up the bake time by 1-2 minutes)
20 minutes total time


  • 2 cups AP flour
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 6 tbsp unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tbsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
  2. Add all ingredients into a medium sized bowl and mix with a wooden spoon until just incorporated.
  3. Spray a scone pan or baking sheet and scoop out batter in 1-3 tbsp sized bowls, according to your size preference.
  4. Bake 12-15 minutes, until tops are golden.  Remove from oven and let cool before removing.

Store scones in an airtight container and they will last a week.

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