Thursday, November 19, 2015

cooking with kids

Anything whose met Liam should know how hard it is to get a picture of him standing still and smiling.  This is literally as good as I could get.

I love cooking with Liam.  I love being able to teach him something useful and yummy, while spending time with him.  I know he loves it because I let him pick what we make... we make lots of cookies  :)

Honestly, it only takes a little bit more time to cook with you kids than it does to cook by yourself, unless you kid is in a crazy distructo mode (like flinging flour ALL OVER THE COUNTER).

Don't believe me?  Here are a few pros to teaching your kids to cook:

  • kids are more likely to eat food they helped make
  • teaches them confidence
  • helps math skills
  • inspire creativity with new flavor combinations
  • learn kitchen safety young
  • more exposure to new foods
  • don't allow your kid to go off to college only knowing how to make toast
  • fun bonding time

I love Wednesdays.  That's the day that my Mom takes Jack for a while and I get some one on one time with Liam.  We can do whatever, but he likes to cook with me.  Mostly because he wants cookies, and he thrives on routine.

This week was chicken for lunch, plus funfetti sugar cookies.

Liam loves chicken, especially breaded baked nugget style.  If he's really hungry though he'll make a seasoned baked breast.  It's faster to make, and if I let him season it himself he eats more of it.  Liam LOVES seasoning his own food.  It means he gets to open all the spice jars and sniff them before picking out which ones he wants.  His favorites are always basil and lavender (luckily not together).  He's really good at picking combos.  Yesterday's chicken was salt, pepper, seasoned salt, garlic, oregano, basil, paprika, and olive oil.  Just a pinch of each, then baked at 375 degrees F for about 40 minutes.  Served with a side of baked potato pieces and garbanzo beans.  Liam's favorite.

decorated by Liam

After lunch it was time for cookies!  I have a HUGE bag full of super fun shaped cookie cutters, which I let Liam go through to pick out a few for the cookies.  He picked a circle.  Seriously.  He did cave and decide to use the fluted circle edge instead of the smooth edge though.  Sometimes I can't decide if Liam is horribly unimaginative with desserts, or just enjoys the fancy classic styles.  Once the cookies baked and cooled Liam decided the frosting should be "the color of Fluttershy's skin".  Okay, light yellow is it.  Yeah, you know you're a parent when you know the colors of all the My Little Ponies.  We jazzed them up with rainbow sprinkles, and Liam's cookie even got sugar eyeballs. 

Cooking with kids can be a bit messy, but so rewarding, and I can't recommend it enough.  Even if you are only making peanut butter sandwiches together, try cooking with your kids today.  :)

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