Thursday, August 28, 2014

wake-up smoothie

Liam is a smoothie addict.  I'm pretty sure that he would eat all his meals in smoothie form if we let him.  I figure if I'm already making a smoothie for him I might as well make enough for everyone.  Between me getting bored quickly using the same recipe all the time, and my available ingredients always changing I am always looking for new smoothie ideas.

This recipe was adapted from one I found on the Self magazine web site.  They have some great ideas, but I usually have to alter them a bit until I get them how I want them.

I really do not think of myself as a hippie, so I had to laugh a bit at this smoothie recipe.  It calls for both almond milk and chia seeds, both things I currently had on hand.  I had some almond milk on my freezer left over from the last time I made it here.  Almond milk freezes really well.  If you don't have any, that's fine.  Just use regular milk.

I totally forgot to take pictures of the process, but really it's a smoothie.  How many photos can you really take of a few ingredients sitting in front of a blender?

The kids (and I!) loved this smoothie.  It wasn't too sweet, but you couldn't taste the carrot-y vegetable taste.  Both kids sucked theirs down in a second and Liam tried to beg seconds.  I probably could have made a second batch without worrying about it going to waste.  Considering I only got to drink a third of this, it was pretty filling too!

This might be the quietest they have every been while awake and in the same room.

Note to self: it is difficult to take a photo of yourself holding a smoothie plus two wiggly boys.  And brush your hair first!

print recipe

wake-up smoothie
a delicious fruit and vegetable smoothie that will keep you filled up all morning.
  • 1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
  • 8 oz can pineapple chunks including juice
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
1. Throw all the ingredients in a blender together. Turn on high and leave on for about 2 minutes, until everything is pureed. Pour into glasses and drink immediately. If your blender isn't very strong cut up the carrot before blending to help.

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:

Yield: 1-3 servings

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